Choosing Your Friends Wisely

Girlfriends are essential in the life of any woman. Not matter how many women compete your inner sanctum of trust, loyalty, secrets, and fashion commentary, they are with you at every phase of your life. From your most complex struggles to your overwhelming joys with everything in between; these sister friends stand by your side, willing, able and ready to catch you when you think will fall.


From time to time, we give the wrong individuals position within our prestigious circle. We really should consider the characteristics of an individual before we allow them great access to our mind, heart, soul and spirit. Consider this, you would not invite every person that you meet to stay at your home. Why? Simply because your home is your personal space used as a personal sanctuary of which you control VIP access. We have to guard our friendship circle with same intensity. Take a look at these tips in choosing the right friends for you. Send me a tweet @lorenridinger if you have any great tips as well.


– Choose people that have similar interests to you.

– Pay attention to their conversations about friendships. If other people are always the culprit, that is a red light.

– Do they display integrity and trustworthiness?

– Can you be yourself around them? It feels good to drop the guard. You do not want to have to be on show with your friends. You need to have the ability to be seen in your best and in your worst with no judgement.

-Do they listen with the intent to hear you and not always to comment?
-Do they genuinely have your best interest at heart?
– Have they shown you that they are worthy to be called friends?




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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