Common Phrases That Can Help Change Your Perspective

woman, arms outstretched, positive, changed perspective, common phrases

There is wisdom all around us. Universal truths are repeated time and time again. They’re patterns that we see everywhere and give us some insight. They help to change our perspectives and remind us that maybe there is a way to get through something that seems too complicated: life. Below I’ve compiled some universal words of wisdom. They’re common phrases you’ve heard before. Listen to them again. Take a moment to reflect and implement them as your own mantras. Read on to learn more and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments section.

woman, arms outstretched, positive, changed perspective, common phrases

People Aren’t Against You; They’re For Themselves- I love this phrase because it’s so true. Everyone is the star of their own movie, just like you’re the star of your own. You can live in this world and meet wonderful people but, by the same token, you can meet people who only have their own interests in mind. Remember that when you feel you’re being mistreated.

You Learn More From Failure Than You Do From Success- This is my favorite motto. JR and I learned way more from failure than we did from our successes. When we started the business, we chose products we thought would work and lose money until we found a product that finally sold. Take a page from my own life and accept your failures for they will only teach you.

Go Where You’re Celebrated, Not Where You’re Tolerated- I don’t want to inflate your ego, but you’re amazing. No really, you are. Once you realize how great you are and implement some self love, you’ll realize that the people you’re hanging around are bringing you down. You deserve friends and partners who see you for the person you are. Perfectly imperfect.

Comfort Is The Enemy Of Achievement- Get out of your comfort zone! It’s not doing you any favors. It’s okay to feel scared or uncomfortable. Thrive in those uncomfortable moments and watch yourself succeed.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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