Coping With Stress

It is easy to get stressed out especially when you have a busy work schedule like me. Working, filming, traveling, meetings and everything else in between can make anyone go crazy. I admit there are days I want to pull my hair out, there’s always so much going on. I’m sure as a working mother, or a full-time employee and college student you probably feel the same way. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle we have to learn to relax and take some time for ourselves in order to de-stress. What are you going to do work yourself to death? So what can we do to reduce our stress levels? Here are few ways that will help you cope with stress.

Manage your time wisely.You will get more done with less stress if you manage your time and make schedules. I always say do what is most important first than the rest of your day will be a piece of cake. Don’t focus your time on unnecessary tasks, if it’s not important to you why do it? If a friend asks you for a favor check your schedule first, make sure you are available during a time you are not busy taking care of more important things.

Supplement and exercise.You don’t know how important it is to supplement. Vitamins really make a difference! Most people think I’m a machine but the reality is that I supplement religiously. Every morning when I wake up I make sure to take my Isotonix OPC3, B-Complex and other vitamins that I will need to get me through the day. Same goes for exercising! Even if you take 30 minutes to go on the treadmill or jogging will help. Anytime of exercise will get your blood flowing, de-stress your body and mind.

Ask for help.Do you feel like you have too much on your plate? We all do, but that’s what friends are for. If you have errands to run, work, school, children ask your family and friends to help you once in a while. I’m sure you know of someone that can help you take care of those small minor things on your to do list.

Smile and laugh.Whenever I’m having a bad day, I’ll call one of my friends that I know will make me laugh. Don’t have a funny friend? Take 5 minutes to watch a funny video clip on youtube. Try anything that will make you smile even if is 15 minutes of your day. Laughter really helps the mind plus it will help boost your attitude for those bad days.

Prepare for the morning the night before. Are you one of those girls that take 30 minutes choosing your outfit for work and you’re always late because you can’t find what to wear? Why deal with the stress in the morning, instead prepare your clothes the night before this way when you get up you have your outfit ready to go.

Don’t rely on your memory.If there is nothing more stressful for me is when I tell someone something and they forget about it a half hour later. Why stress yourself trying to remember, instead write it down, put a stickie note on your computer make things visible so you don’t forget.

How do you cope with stress? Send me your tips @lorenridinger or drop me a comment below




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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