Do you consider yourself a lucky person? Can you create your own luck? “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” I posted this Thomas Jefferson quote on Twitter today and received many positive responses so I know that there are others who believe you can create your own luck. Most good things in life don’t happen with a 50/50 chance, lottery type of luck; what you put into your business and your relationships is what you will get out of it. Good fortune happens to people who allow it into their lives – get out of your own way! The opportunity to create your own luck is there with each decision you make and choice to react in a positive way when finding yourself in certain situations. Here are ten ways you can create your own luck:
1. Already consider yourself lucky. Because you are.
2. The glass is half full.
3. Try new things.
4. Learn from your mistakes.
5. Take risks.
6. Help others.
7. Say yes more often.
8. Work hard.
9. Be open to opportunity.
10. Expect good things to happen to you. And they will.