How to Die Without Regrets

die without regrets

JR’s closing speech at MAWC 2018 resonated with many of us, deep down in our souls, and raised a lot of questions. Are we truly living our lives to the full? On our deathbed, what will our regrets be? When we die, we certainly don’t want our dreams to die with us. So, what will your book be about when your last chapter closes, and how can you ensure you die without regrets?

How to Die Without Regrets

die without regrets

JR said in his speech that people get comfortable and live mundane lives, so when they die, they have little or nothing to show for it – so they’re forgotten. Even by the people who loved them. That’s a terrifying thought.

JR and I are blessed to have written such an incredible book together over all of the years we’ve shared together. In addition to our amazing love story and the beautiful family we’ve created together, we’ve created a lasting legacy with Market America / SHOP.COM. We are incredibly proud to have built a business that helps people achieve their entrepreneurial dreams. All of this will be the footprints we leave behind when it’s our time to depart this world.

Imagine yourself on your deathbed surround by all of the people you love. The doctor tells you that you only have a few hours to live, so you start reflecting on your life. Are you completely satisfied with the way you lived? If not, what would you do differently? what would you make more time for? What would make you happy? These are the goals you need to work towards as a matter of urgency because tomorrow is not promised to any of us.

Here are a few common regrets shared by people who are dying.

#1 Wishing they’d had the courage to live a life true to themselves, not the life that was expected of them.

#2 They wish they had spent more time with their family and friends. I’m a self-confessed workaholic, but I never lose sight of my ‘why.’ I always make time for my family and see my closest friends as often as our schedules allow.

#3 They wish they had been more courageous. Interpret this how you will, but don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself, go after your dreams and do that one thing you’ve always wanted to try.

#4 They wish they’d been happier. Not making time for the things that make you happy in life is spiritual suicide.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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