Do You Believe In Love?

Do you believe in love? Last weekend, JR and I attended our dear friends Raquel Perera and Alejandro Sanz wedding.

What was to be a christening celebration of their son turned out to be a beautiful surprise wedding at their ranch in Spain! I love to see when two people allow love to happen. Both men and women desire to be loved. What I have come to understand in my own life is that through our fear of love, that we sometimes block it. With love comes the unknown.

Although we desire to be loved unconditionally with no regrets, it can become quite scary. To love with a pure love is to love without doubt, limitations and to love solely based off of what you feel not what you have experienced in the past. Most often, we sabotage ourselves by bringing old baggage into a new situation. We can not expect to fully consumed by love if we continue to close the door in loves face in places that we have been hurt. The great thing about true love is that not only does it consume and overwhelm you but it can also heal you.

Let love into your mind, your heart and your spirit. Really question if you are the culprit in keeping love away. Do you believe in love?




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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