Empower Yourself: 5 Ways to Say ‘No’ Like a Pro

Empower Yourself: How to Say 'No' Like a Pro

If we don’t make time for the things we want to do, we will never accomplish anything. And often, that begins with having to say ‘no.’ Saying no can be one of the toughest things we can ever learn to do. But also, one of the most valuable. Because, as much as we’d like to be selfless with our time, time is the most precious commodity any of us has. So learning to say no to things we don’t want to include in our schedules, or simply just can’t include, makes for more time to do the things we do.

If you don’t take control over your own time, others will. So here are some ways to learn to say no like a pro, without any guilt attached. Empower yourself and take control of your time so you can build what makes you want to jump out of bed every morning.

Empower Yourself: How to Say 'No' Like a Pro

Empower Yourself: 5 Ways to Say No Like a Pro

#1. Just go for it. Sometimes that’s truly the only solution. You have to be assertive, put your foot down and just say no. This can be the most difficult approach, but in some cases it’s also the best because it simply has to be done. No justifying. No excuses. No reasoning. Just muster up all your confidence and say it. NO. Phew…doesn’t that feel good?

#2. Take the more customer service oriented approach. Go the route of explaining that it’s something you can’t take on right now, but as soon as you have availability or more time on your hands you’ll give that person a call. Let them know it’s something you want to do, however other parts of your situation preclude you from being able to add that to your list. Offer to help in a less committed way – like contributing later or as help on the sidelines of the project.

#3. Turn the ask into a question. This is a good one for helping someone to realize just how much you already have on your plate, especially at work. The next time someone asks you to take on an additional project, give a quick explanation of what you’re already working on. Ask where this newest project fits into the priority spectrum of your growing to do list and suggest an alternative team member for the job.

#4. If it’s too hard to say no face-to-face, don’t. We live in world where we have countless forms and ways of communicating – and none of it requires being face to face. If someone asks you to commit to something, start by asking if you can get back to him or her. Once you’ve figured out exactly what you want to say, use one of those other forms of communication – there’s so many! Email, text, Messenger, phone – whatever you feel most comfortable with. And, no worries – lots of people do this, all of the time.

#5. Feel good about saying no. You are the only person who can control what you say no too. And, the most important part of all of this is that you’re comfortable with saying no when you want to and on your terms. Ignore the guilt and let it go, put it in a bubble and blow it away. Be proud of yourself for picking and choosing the activities and projects that bring value to your life. Have the confidence to go with it.

Do you have trouble saying no? Can you put some of these ideas into action for your own life and sanity?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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