Exude Confidence With the Help of These Phrases

Exude Confidence With the Help of These Phrases, confidence, affirmations, confidence in phrases

It’s pretty incredible when you start thinking about all the stuff you know. I mean, dig through your mind and think about all the experiences you’ve had in work and life and what that tally’s up to at the end of the day. A lot. Sometimes we doubt ourselves and our skills, when – in fact – we should be exuding confidence. We’re all well-rounded people, with lots to offer. Stand up, be proud and remind yourself just how smart you are. Once you’ve got that down, take a look at how to exude confidence with the help of a few phrases.

Exude Confidence With the Help of These PhrasesExude Confidence With the Help of These Phrases, confidence, affirmations, confidence in phrases

I don’t know. That may sound completely counterintuitive, but here’s the deal: when you admit to being unsure about something or not having the answers to everything, that’s called confidence. Who cares if you don’t know? That’s part of being human, and that’s OK. When we’re able to proudly say that we don’t have all the answers, we open ourselves to the best case scenario: teamwork. And, being OK with letting the team do their thing. That’s called leadership. And, leadership showcases confidence.

I won’t. That probably sounds odd, but here’s the thing: if you exchange “I won’t” for “I can’t” you’re changing the whole tone of the convo. You’re choosing to say no to something rather than having the situation dictate your choice. When you say you will or will not do something, you’re showcasing your ability to make a decision based on your skills, time and what you want (or don’t want) to be a part of.

I look forward to hearing your questions. This is a good one because it gives you the opportunity to get your thoughts out there smartly and succinctly. You share your ideas, present things the way you believe they should operate and tell the rest of the team you’re looking forward to providing answers to their questions. That showcases someone who’s not afraid to ask for input because they know their stuff.

Do you struggle with finding the best ways to exude your confidence, especially when it comes to working? It can be tough, but with these three phrases in your back pocket, you’ll knock ‘em out of the ballpark. Ready to get after it?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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