Finding the Right Balance for You

We talk a lot about finding the right balance on Loren’s World because as women who want to have it all, we also have this challenge in common. When we focus on career, we find our family life begins to suffer and when maintaining a household takes over, we are overwhelmed by work. Achieving perfection is a constant battle that may never be overcome, but finding the right balance between career, family and personal space is totally doable. Here’s my simple guide for how to find the right balance even during the busiest of times.


Finding the Right Balance for You

  • Leave perfection at the door. It’s time to face reality; perfection is not going to happen. And, that is totally ok.
  • Be content at work. Bringing home work drama can throw your work/life balance off in an instant. Leave it at work.
  • Bring focus to your life. Try meditation to find focus both at home and at the office.
  • It’s ok to say no. You have to remember that you cannot do it all.
  • Not everything has to be part of the plan. Live on the edge and do something spontaneous every once in a while – it’ll feel so good!
  • Let go of resentment. Holding on to the past can become a sickness.

Those are my tips for how to find the right balance, what are yours?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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