Five Things Every Woman Should Know by 30

Five Things Every Woman Should Know by 30 | Loren's World

It’s funny when you start reflecting on your life just a bit. Where you are today, where you’ve been and what lies ahead. By the time you turn 30, you’ve lived as an adult for a decade. You’ve made career choices, you’ve been in serious relationships and you may even have a family of your own. Let’s just come out and say it – at this point, you’ve been around the block – probably learned some tough life lessons and could teach your 20 year old self a thing or two. But it’s also been incredible – you’re moving into a new phase of life – where the stakes in love and career are a little higher, you’re pushing yourself and you probably have some pretty lofty goals. It’s a great stage of the game, one to be really excited about. So what should you be aware of by the time you reach this point? Here’s a look at five things every woman should know by 30.

Five Things Every Woman Should Know by 30 | Loren's World


1 – How to be in love with someone while still maintaining your sense of self. By now you’ve probably had a few serious relationships – some wildly romantic and some not so great. Learning to maintain your sense of self is a tough lesson to learn – but once you’ve got it down, you know how great relationships can be.

2 – How to not apologize for who you are and the life you lead. People can be critical, especially when you’re in your 20’s just starting out. But, by the time you’re 30 you pretty much know what you like, what you want and how to go after it. At this point though – you can stop apologizing to all the critics out there. It’s your life. Your decisions. And, you get to set the course no matter what anyone else thinks.

3 – Whether or not you want to have children. For some people, this is figured out early on. You know from a pretty young age that you want nothing more than to be a mom. But, for others this takes a bit longer to figure out. Once you’re 30, you have loads of friends with families and you probably know if it’s something you see for yourself and your future.

4 – How to spend time by yourself….and enjoy it! When you’re younger it’s all about being with friends all of the time. But, as you get older and life gets more hectic, you learn to cherish alone time – especially if you’re a mom! At this point alone time is almost like winning the lottery – and you know exactly how you like to spend that time (probably relaxing!).

5 – Which friendships are worth your time and which it’s time to walk away from. Friendships can be a lot like relationships. Some are more taxing and some are more fulfilling than others. By 30, you’ve probably been through the ringer in some of your friendships and you’ve also developed some pretty deep and meaningful ones along the way too. At this point, you know just which friendships deserve your energy and which ones just aren’t worth your time.

Are you 30? What are some of the essential life lessons you carry with you?



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