Following Through


Photo by Lilly Rico

In both life and work the old adage “actions speak louder
than words” remains true. There’s nothing more frustrating than when someone
says they’re going to do something and yet they never come through on their
promises. Don’t be that person in business who says they’re going to take on a
project or a task only to never complete your word.

In business and in life, your word and reputation is much of
what defines you. You want to be as transparent and trustworthy as possible. A
lot of the times, we don’t follow through because we are completely overwhelmed
with tasks. But in that case, it’s best to talk to the person (or people) who
is counting on you and let them know, you’ll have to bow down for now.

Following through means your actions should match your
words. We all know those people who are all talk and no action. Sometimes it’s
best to say as little as possible and simply lead with your actions. If this is
your philosophy in the workplace, you’ll quickly become a respected member of
the company. Regardless if people agree with you or not, they cannot blame you
for lack of involvement.

If you find yourself jumping to take every project and never
able to follow through, take a step back. No one expects you to be superman.
They simply expect you to live up to your word. So choose those words wisely.
Say only what you know you can produce. It’s not about quantity; it’s about




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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