Following Your Passion: How to Find Your Next Career Path

Following Your Career Passion | Loren's World

Thinking about making a career change? Maybe it’s time you followed your passion instead of settling for a job that doesn’t really suit you. If you’ve been thinking of making a transition, here are some questions you can ask in order to figure out what the direction of the best path is.

Following Your Career Passion | Loren's World

Following Your Passion: How to Find Your Next Career Path

Make a list of your likes & dislikes: Sit and think about what you really love and what you just can’t stand. Do you enjoy shopping for others? Do you always find yourself avoiding doing anything having to do with numbers? Maybe you love musicals and hate sci-fi. There are clues here to help you search in the right direction.

Make a list of everything you’re good at: Do you have a talent for organizing small spaces? Do you find yourself proofreading for mistakes in news articles? Are you incredibly patient and detail-oriented? Write down all your strengths off the top of your head and see what they all have in common.

Ask your friends what you’re good at: Ask your friends to give you a short list of things they think you’re really talented at. Sometimes it’s hard to see our own gifts clearly. A friend can give you a clearer outside perspective.

Ask your friends what they can always count on you for: Do your friends always call you to find out about a good sale? Or do they always call to ask you about the latest hot spot? Maybe your friends can always count on you for decorating advice or a shrewd business perspective. Ask and you’ll start to see a pattern.

Ask yourself, “What always gets pushed to the bottom of my to-do list?” Knowing what you don’t want to do is just as important as what you’re drawn to. Make a list of things you know you want to stay away from – the chores you avoid will tell you a lot.

Then, ask yourself, “What do I enjoy doing for fun?” If you weren’t worried about money, what would you do just for fun? What do you do when you just want to pass the time? Write down every detail and don’t judge yourself. Just think freely and see where your interests lie.

When you have all your list and answers, read them carefully and see what common themes jump out at you. You may be surprised to find you want to go for a career in a completely different direction than where you currently are – and that’s ok! The great thing about risk is that it comes with great reward. And following a passion can be risky at times, but it will often provide great satisfaction. Don’t be afraid to explore something new. The path you follow may lead to something incredibly exciting – and what’s life without a little excitement?



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