This week, job website released a list of the top 25 companies for work life balance. By sourcing its database of user reviewers over the last year, they uncovered which businesses offered attractive work environments and ample flexibility. The number one company that ranked this list is Nestle Purina Petcare, headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. Purina employees rated their experiences as “very satisfying.”
The top 25 varied greatly by size and location and spanned across industries. Technology monster Facebook ranked at No.7 because the culture work environment likely reflects the mentality of Gen Y workers, Dupont came in at number 16 while Southwest Airlines came in at number 17. See below for the top 10 highest rank.
3. SAS Institute
4. FACT Set
5. United Space Alliance
6. Slalom Consulting
7. Facebook
8. Morningstar
9. Suquehanna International Group
10. Colgate Palmolive
To view the entire list click here