Healthy Daily Practices for Your Mind & Body


No matter how hard you try, it’s pretty easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. The day has a hectic start when you jump out of bed, try to cram in a workout, get everyone ready and out the door and land at the office by nine. And, by nine a.m. you already feel as though you’ve worked a full day and you still have hours to go. You have to wonder: is there  way to start the day where I feel energized and complete? Can I change my perspective so that I am less focused on the rush and more focused on savoring each moment? The answer is yes. Here’s a roundup of ideas for daily healthy practices for your mind and body.


Daily Healthy Practices for Your Mind and Body

Think about what you want to achieve each day – and prioritize that into reasonable goals. Rather than being focused on completing a huge to-do list, try planning the day so that you can get a few things done really well. You’ll feel less rushed and you’ll also feel more successful – churning out your best work rather than mere volume.

Think about your dreams at the start of each day and believe that they are possible. Thinking about your dreams, passions and ultimate goals helps drive that desire to achieve. You have to have something huge to go after, right? Whether it be long-term, family oriented or something related to your career – tell yourself you can do it and think about the path to get there.

Remind yourself to take on each day with a sense of grounding and drive. Rather than floating through or going through the motions without really thinking about it, set an intention for the day and go after it – like you mean it.

Focus on the upside. You may have a long day ahead of you, but hey – you’re here, you’re healthy, you have a great family and you’re ready to go after it. Remind yourself each morning just how much you have to be positive about and thankful for. Don’t let the little things get you down – stay focused on the big picture and how great it is.

Get some exercise – this one is huge! Getting out there and moving your body each morning is worth every breath and every moment of challenge – it’s the best thing you can do for yourself and a great way to increase your energy. Even a walk with the dog is great – breathe in some fresh air, take in the sights and sounds of nature – you’ll love it.

Eat a healthy breakfast and follow that with a healthy lunch. There’s nothing better than starting the day with food that makes you feel good about yourself. Drink a big glass of water and opt for high-fiber oatmeal or some egg whites and veggies. Keep the trend going throughout the day with lots of veggies, fruits and lean protein – you’ll feel invigorated and light on your feet.

How about you? Can you incorporate some of these daily healthy practices into your life?



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