Help I’m Pregnant and I’m Still In School

I’ve received many e-mails at Loren’s World seeking advice and direction from many young women entrepreneurs. Many of the e-mails I receive are mostly from young women seeking advice on being pregnant while they’re still in school. Having a baby is to be one of the most joyous times of a woman’s life. After all, in our youth we fantasized about our wedding day and becoming a mother. The two most important events in our lives. However, what happens when pregnancy occurs at a not so ideal time in life? For many young women are becoming pregnant while they are in school and are faced with the dilemma to finish or take a sabbatical and return after the birth of the baby.

Turn Your Weakness Into Your Strength

This is a difficult decision but with much thought you can come to the decision that is right for you. If you are in this situation, first take a deep breath and understand that everything is going to be alright. You never think with clarity when you have anxiety running through your body. What you should do is assess where you are. Are you at the beginning of the semester,mid way through or at the end? Your position will play a part in your decision. If you are at the beginning or mid way, more than likely you can continue. If you are at the end, you will need to decide if you will be able to take classes for the following semester.

Coping With Stress


Talk with your doctor. Some women have very easy pregnancies and others not so easy. You know yourself and your body. If you know you are a person who shuts down from menstrual cramps, you may really need to be honest with yourself about completing a semester at this time. The last thing you want to do is start and then have to stop. This will set you up for emotional disappointment. Talk with your doctor and your support network. School is demanding and a bit stressful. You will need to have individuals surrounding you to encourage and support you if you choose to continue.


If you opt to take a break until the baby is born, realize that is okay too. You have to make a decision that is best for you. Remember, having a baby is not the end of your life. You will grow, mature, and live. Take some time to decide what will be best for you.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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