How To Get Out Of An Abusive Relationship

Every relationship is unique. However, the facts report that 9,000 people are victims of abuse daily. The percentages regarding domestic violence are increasing with the years. You may not have been a victim yourself but may know of someone who has. Whether you realize it or not, domestic violence affects all of us, not just the two people involved in the relationship. This issue is a problem for all of us.

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If you are in an abusive relationship or know someone who is, understand that you are much more deserving of better treatment than what you are receiving. Love does not hurt. Love does not cause harm. Love is a pure action that empowers, encourages, enlightens, and respects. A slap, a push, a tug, a punch, mental anguish and character degradation is not love nor is it okay. No matter how many times a person attempts to justify these actions in their mind, the gut and mind always speak louder. It is wrong.

There are many resources available if you are someone you know is in this situation. Tell someone close to you that you can trust and will help without judgment. Get beyond your pride, you need help! Get past your guilt, all of us have made wrong choices. Check your community or city resource website for resources. Pray. You will need strength and you will need to rely on a power greater than yourself. Be honest with where you are and what your next steps should be. The longer you remain, the harder it will be to leave. Face your fear and regain your life back. Your value is worth more than your current relationship. You are worth more!



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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