How To Grow Orchids

For those of us out there who can’t say they have a green thumb, bringing an orchid home might sound a bit overwhelming. Such a delicate and gorgeous plant and flower, you might guess that growing an orchid is only for the most accomplished gardener. Here’s the thing: practice makes perfect – with anything – and even you can learn to how to grow orchids. Keep reading for a few tricks of the trade that may help you fill your windowsill with these lovely, tropical plants.

Start by choosing the right orchid. Sounds crazy? There are thousands of orchid species, some more difficult to care for than others. Choosing an orchid from a less fussy line will help with the life of the plant. Also, choosing an orchid that’s already in bloom will help give you guidance to know what type of look and flower you’re going for.

Let the plant be your guide. Watch for the type of leaves your orchid has – this will let you know if it needs more [or less] light. If the leaves are leathery and there are just a few, it probably needs a lot of light. Orchids that need less light often have softer, limp leaves. If your orchid has big bulbs, it should only need a little bit of water and can be grown on bark or lava rock. For an orchid that has no bulbs, more water will probably be required and growing it in moss will help it thrive.

Create the right environment. Some orchids grow in soil (typically paphiopedilums and cymbidiums), but many tropical orchids thrive off air. These are known as epiphytes and their roots absorb water through the white cells called velamen. Because of this, orchids need good air circulation – they like peat moss, dried fern roots, rock wool, stones, cork and lava rock.

Water. Interestingly enough, orchids differ from many other plants in that too much water is the first thing that can kill one. In a sense, orchids are almost easier to take care of – requiring a once-a-week watering. They do love humid weather – about 60-80% humidity is where they thrive. During winter months, dry air can be a challenge – so, try a humidifier or lightly misting your plant.

Love. All plants love a little love, right? So remember to give your orchid the tender loving care it deserves.

What do you think? With these tips, will you give orchid growing a try?



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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