How to Spark Creativity and Start Feeling Inspired Again


No matter who you are, everyone reaches a point when they start to struggle for ideas. You’re tired, uninspired or you need a little challenge to figure out how to spark creativity. When you reach that point at work, it can be incredibly frustrating – you want to be a solid and successful part of the team, but you need a little jumpstart. Check out these ideas to help you learn how to spark creativity in the workplace and get back to your innovative self, stat!


How to Spark Creativity and Start Feeling Inspired Again

  1. Draw an idea map for your next project. Your coworkers may think you’re getting a little eccentric – but don’t worry, give it a try. Start with a single word in the center and work your way out.
  2. Get up from your desk and get outside. Even if you work in an office park – get outside for twenty minutes or so. Walk around and breathe in some fresh air.
  3. Watch a funny video. Give yourself five minutes to get totally lost in a funny video – it will get your mind off the project, giving you some time to be totally relaxed.
  4. Spend an hour with a pile of magazines. Seriously. There’s nothing more helpful than seeing all the creative ideas that are out there already.
  5. Sleep on it. I’m not suggesting you take a nap at work! Leave the project to the next day – go home, get a good night’s sleep and start fresh.

Do you have any tricks for how to spark creativity in the workplace? Please share!



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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