Become more efficient and instantly transform the quality of your life. Shorten your workday by 30 minutes. I promise you’ll get more done than if you put in your usual nine to ten hours. That’s because committing to leaving earlier gives you a deadline and forces you to eliminate the little time wasters (silly interruptions, procrastination, perfectionism) that eat up your day. Unblock your mind to release extraordinary thoughts!
Our ability to think extraordinary and creative thoughts is blocked. Try this. Think of your dream life. What is it that you’d love to do if money were no object. Close your eyes and imagine living that life for a moment. Now open your eyes and think for another moment about how you could get from here to there. Hear all the resistance starting to swell up in your mind? That’s our blockage! I hear things like, “How would you make a living doing that?” and “How’s that possible with a family?” and “Your not good enough to make that leap!” What do you hear?
- Pursue the idea that bubbles up in your mind . As you work your way through The Artist’s Way, creative ideas are going to start bubbling up in your mind. This is your creativity starting to be unleashed.Capture these thoughts on paper as quickly as possible! If you don’t, they will evaporate from your mind never to be retrieved again. It happens to me all the time. I’m sure I’ll remember, but I don’t. Over a few weeks or maybe just a few days, depending on the severity of your blockage, a dominant theme or idea will start to emerge. It will be something that excites you and that seems totally plausible as you first mull it over.
- Believe you can be extraordinary. Some might think that believing in yourself should be Step One, but it is not. I can assure you most people don’t believe they can be extraordinary at first. That’s okay! In the beginning, it isn’t critical that you believe. You don’t have to believe you are extraordinary or that an extraordinary life is even possible. If you simply desire it enough to follow Step One and Step Two, then that’s all I ask. You will be on your way to transforming your life from ordinary to extraordinary! As you proceed through this process, I have found that most people will start to believe as they experience some success. First, it is a tiny little nugget of wanting to believe. It isn’t actual belief, but the desire to believe starts to peek its shy little head out from under that rock in your heart.