Is Picking Up the Phone A Thing of the Past?


Remember the days when you would just pick up the phone (your house or office phone!) and just give someone a call? Sometimes it would be like a fun reunion because a bit of time had passed since your last call. It was exciting to catch up for a minute before getting down to business. Obviously, times have changed. Between email, Facebook, Twitter and texting (I could go on forever), picking up the phone and calling someone barely happens anymore – it’s wild! And I kind of miss it – do you?

Is Picking Up the Phone A Thing of the Past?


At the office things have really changed when it comes to the phone. It’s almost considered intrusive to just go ahead and call. Instead, we get appointment invitations or emails scheduling a time to chat. Sometimes it even takes nearly ten email exchanges just to figure out what time is a good time to call! Have we really gotten as efficient as we think? Not if you look at it this way.

The lack of personal interaction is really a little sad. Emails are interpreted incorrectly, people don’t get to hear each other’s voices and honestly, personality has gone to the wayside. I say it’s time to bring it back. Try for an impromptu meeting by picking up the phone rather than shooting off an email. Give someone a call (not a text) just to catch up.

In our quest to get super-efficient we’ve lost some of the best part of life – the humanness. What about you – will you try picking up the phone and calling?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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