4 Ways to Make Your Own Luck Today

You don’t have to be from Ireland to celebrate the luck of the Irish. In fact, I’d guess that many people around the globe who celebrate St. Patrick’s Day just love the good spirit of the holiday. So, with it being St. Patty’s Day today, it’s a good time to talk about luck. We often look around at other people and think, “Oh, she’s lucky or he’s lucky” or sometimes, “That person just hit the luck of the draw.” I could go on and on, but you get the drift.

We’re so caught up in the good fortune of others that it can be tough to see the beauty in our own lives. But what if you changed your perspective entirely? What if you stopped looking at how lucky other people have it and worked to create your own luck? Turns out you can. And, that focusing on you rather than everyone else is where it’s at. So, for this St. Patty’s Day, here are four ways to hit the sweet spot of creating your own luck.

Feeling lucky in a green dress my grandson Ayden picked for me.
4 Ways to Make Your Own Luck Today

If you want something go get it. Here’s the thing: it’s on you to build the life you want. It’s about making smart decisions that affect each step along the way and that means having a plan. Sure, there are moments where you’ll want to make decisions on a whim, but if you want a certain career or want to live a certain lifestyle, you have to put your head down and do the work to get there. Then, the luck will follow.

Focus on the things you’re truly passionate about. You probably have tons of ideas floating around in your head – and, that’s pretty cool. But, if you really want to see some of them come to fruition, you’ve got to narrow it down and focus on the dreams you truly want to turn into reality. Then, go after them. The lucky part will be when you see your passions driving your day-to-day life.

Network. When you cast a wider net, you’re bound to catch more fish. And, that holds true when it comes to career and life too. If you want to make something happen – whether it’s your next big promotion, a new role or getting a brand new idea launched, networking is what will get it done. And, that’s on you. Get out there. Start meeting people and showing the world just what you’ve got going for yourself. A wider net means more opportunities and more opportunities means more luck.

Visualize what you want for your life and meditate on it. This is important because without a vision and without dedication, achieving that level of success you’re after is going to be tough. Picture the life you want to lead and spend time meditating or focusing on what you need to do to get there. Use meditation to understand what the path will look like and as a tool for remaining centered and guided along the way. Sometimes luck is merely a person visualizing what he or she wants and bringing it to fruition – turns out, you have that ability too.

So, what do you think? Can you make the Luck ‘O the Irish part of your everyday spirit and a theme for life? I think you can.



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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