Let Go: 5 Excuses You You’re Making

loren ridinger, MAWC 2017, out of bounds, no excuses, life & work, life and work

During MAWC 2017 I made my “Out of Bounds” speech which was all about overcoming your comfort zone and kick-starting your life. One of the points I made during this speech was that it’s important to let go of those habits and people that don’t serve you any longer. One of those habits is making excuses. We’ve all done it. The kids need picking up, TV needs watching, your phone needs to be checked. I get it! At the same time, if you’re going to make your dreams happen, if you’re going to get your goals done, you’re going to have to let go of those excuses and pull through. You might not think you’re finding ways around your goals, but the truth is, you most likely are, which is why I’ve laid out some of the biggest excuses we all make below. Read on to learn more!

Let Go: 5 Excuses You You’re Making

Not Enough Time- It seems as though every other excuse falls under this one. There aren’t enough hours in the day. Trust me, there aren’t! That’s why you’ve got to work hard, harder than anyone else and make the time. It’s not easy and you’ll lose sleep, but it’s the only way to overcome. Make time, people.

You’re Not Ready- Listen, it’s the greats who do great things before their ready. Do you think I was ready when JR and I started to build this company? I was scared! We had a little girl to feed and rent to pay, but we did it anyway. You’ll never be ready. And that’s the truth.

I’m Afraid of Failure- If you never try than you’ll never know. You’ll never know if you’re enough. You’ll never know if you’re worthy. Prove to yourself that you’re worthy. Prove to yourself that you’re enough. You’ve got this. Failure is inevitable. Don’t let fear of it be the thing that gets in your way.

It’ll Take Too Long- Of course it will! You think this company was built in a day? JR and I put our first million back into the company. We weren’t just going to stop once we made it. We were there for the long haul. Anything worth working for is going to be hard. It’s going to take the most from you. You’re just going to have to accept it and move on. The reward is greater, trust me.

I Need to Focus on My Career- The career you hate? The career that’s taking time away from your kids, the one that feels so unrewarding. My suggestion is to work toward something that’s real. Work towards what you actually want. You’ll be surprised what will come of it.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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