Long Distance Love: How to Keep It Going Strong

Long Distance Love: How to Keep Things Going Strong

Relationships are never easy, even when both partners live in the same city. But with careers demanding more travel time and even extended stays in different cities, long distance relationships are becoming a bit of the norm. If you find yourself pressed for time or living in a different city than your love, there’s an opportunity to view the circumstances as a chance for some originality in the romance department. Don’t let physical distance drive a wedge between you. Here are some tips for keeping your long distance love hot and connected.

Long Distance Love: How to Keep Things Going Strong

Long Distance Love: How to Keep It Going Strong

1. Video chat whenever possible – Seeing each other’s reactions when having a conversation can make it feel as if you’re both really present. Instead of resorting to only phone calls, emails, and text messages, set up a video chat date that you keep at least once a week (opt for more, if possible!).

2. Don’t rely solely on texting – But do make them count. Send each other sweet and sexy messages throughout the day to keep a connection going. But do opt for a different form of communication whenever possible.

3. Meet somewhere in the middle – Being in a long distance relationship can have its advantages. Like having a date in a location you both agree to fly to somewhere in the middle – halfway between the places where each of you lives. This will allow a bit of a sense of adventure into your relationship.

4. Call each other – Hearing each other’s voices can often be just what you need. Create that intimacy by calling each other every night before bed and having a little pillow talk before shutting down for the day.

5. Write love letters by hand – The art of the love letter is a powerful thing. Slip a little romance into each other’s mail boxes and write the kinds of messages you’ll want your future kids to read.

6. Plan a phone movie date – Set up a phone date and agree to both watch the same movie on Netflix. Put each other on speaker phone, pull up a bowl of popcorn and give each other commentary throughout the movie.

7. Send each other unexpected packages – Whether it’s a sweet gift, something funny, or a sexy nuance, keep each other guessing with special deliveries. These are tokens you’ll treasure while you’re away from each other, helping you feel a little closer in between visits.



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