Modern Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas

Modern Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas

Spring and romance go hand in hand, which has gotten me thinking about the ways we express our appreciation and love when it comes to anniversaries and milestones. While the tradition of giving certain gifts for each anniversary year of marriage is steeped in history, it can be pretty cool to take a modern twist on an old world tradition. From paper for the first year to aluminum for the tenth, let’s see what it looks like to shake things up a bit. Keeping in mind that your anniversary is a special time (no matter which year!), celebrating these milestones can be both intimate and fun. So, remember: choosing the perfect gift is up to you, no matter what tradition says. If you’re a contemporary couple – go with something creative! If you’re more classic, stick with tradition. And if you’re looking for something a little different, keep reading for some modern wedding anniversary gift ideas.

Modern Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas

Modern Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas

1st Year – Tradition would say go with paper; a great modern gift idea is a clock. Interpret that however you’d like – could be a watch or even a clock tattoo!


2nd Year – Traditionally this is the year for cotton, but a more modern approach would be china. How about mixing things up with some antique china?


3rd Year – Tradition says leather, if you’re going modern how about crystal? It’s the perfect year for some new barware!


4th year – Traditionally, this would be the year for flowers. If you’re going modern, how about a fun new kitchen appliance?


5th year – As tradition states, year five is the time to give wood, but a more modern approach would be some sparking silverware. You could shake that up and go gold!


10th year – Believe it or not, the tenth anniversary is for giving aluminum or tin, but this is also the perfect time for a new diamond, don’t you think?


What do you think about these creative anniversary gift ideas? Are you more of a traditionalist or a modernist when it comes to anniversaries?



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