Procrastination Vs Perseverance

More often than not I will hear these words I personally can’t stand, “I’ll do it later.” If there is one thing you should know about me both personal and in business is that procrastination and putting things off for a later time is not in my  vocabulary. Thomas Jefferson once said“don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.”Sometimes procrastination comes with our daily responsibilities we feel so overwhelmed with what we are doing that we feel that if we push it off till a later time it will go away.

This is something I’ve learned along the way throughout my experiences as an entrepreneur, if you don’t take action of what you are given whether it’s big or small most likely it will never get done and you will forget.This is where perseverance walks in. It’s that “I have to make it happen” attitude that will make you accomplish those unwanted tasks! Still can’t seem to stop procrastinating? Here are several cures to stop your procrastination and turn it into perseverance.

  • Organize your priorities: Always do what it’s most important first and if it’s not important to you, but important to others, find a way to make it important.What are you going to get by doing this that’s important enough to motivate you to do it now?
  • Focus, Focus, Focus:Many of us can’t focus during the day because we get distracted easily. If you are the type of person that suffers from self prescribed ADD than the important thing to do is eliminate the distractions.Remind yourself that what you have to do is more important than anything else and it is a ‘PRIORITY’ regardless if it’s really not.This way you won’t forget it, get it done and scratch off your to do list.
  • Reward yourself for getting it done right now.Perhaps if you finish early you can go do something fun! There is nothing more self rewarding than knowing you finished your entire to do list.





MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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