Randi Zuckerberg Opens Up About Unplugging for Her Family


Over the past few years technology has truly evolved. Giving us constant access to our work, media, each other – you name it, we can probably get it with a phone or iPad. You have to wonder how parents with growing kids balance it all. While we want access to our loved ones 24/7, we also are faced with setting an example. When and where do you draw the line?



Randi Zuckerberg Opens Up About Unplugging for Her Family  

Randi Zuckerberg, CEO of Zuckerberg Media and Editor-in-Chief of Dot Complicated, recently shared her views on parenting and unplugging with Mashable and I think moms and dads around the world can probably relate. She’s a busy new mom, learning to do it all with work and family. Balancing technology with regular old school play and creativity is tough when we are so reliant on our phones and tablets. Our kids mimic our every move so if you check your email at the dinner table, eventually they’ll want to do the same.

According to Zuckerberg, “Even at such a young age, Asher gets visibly frustrated when I use my phone while playing with him. In fact, I actually find I need to monitor my own tech usage more than I need to create rules around his.” Randi also struggles with questions like, “What age is it reasonable to give your kids their own phone or tablet? What is the best way to monitor your children’s cellphone usage? How can we raise our children to be tech-savvy, but also safe?

Does this sound all too familiar?

How you balance tech and family time in your house? Can you relate to Randi Zuckerberg’s feelings of being constantly “on”?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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