8 Reasons to Start Journaling

Reasons to Start Journaling

Some conversations are best when shared between friends. And others are best when kept between the pages of a trusted book – a journal, to be more precise. Keeping a journal isn’t just for the teen version of yourself that left fluffy pink diaries behind. It’s for the part of you that wants to find clarity, solve problems, explore feelings, and get her head on straight. It’s also a great tool to alleviate stress, gain perspective, and get focused on your goals. If you’ve been in need of a trusted confidant that won’t judge even the silliest thought, read on and grab a pen.

Reasons to Start Journaling

8 Reasons to Start Journaling
  1. Stress Relief – Instead of bottling things up, journaling can offer a release that eases stress and tension. Don’t keep those feelings trapped inside. Pour them onto a page and do your mind, body, and general health a big favor.
  2. Venting – For some, venting to a friend can help offer relief and clarity. But sometimes, when there’s a fear of being judged, writing in a journal can offer the same kind of relief.
  3. Clarity – If for no other reason than having a clear mind, starting a journal can be a very useful process. Maybe there are thoughts going around in your head that you just can’t seem to make sense of. Jot them down and see what kind of clarity it brings.
  4. Gratitude: Being grateful for the things we have instead of being frustrated with the things we don’t have can actually lead to more abundance. Every day, try writing down 3 things you are grateful for. You should feel a shift in your mood almost immediately.
  5. Problem Solving – Sometimes it helps to see things more clearly when we write them down. If you’re having a problem, getting the facts and feelings onto a page can offer some perspective that may lead to a solution.
  6. Inspire Creativity – Writing can tap into thoughts and feelings we didn’t even know we had. If you’re searching for inspiration or creativity, getting the words onto a page and seeing where they go can lead to a big, unexpected breakthrough.
  7. Success – If you can focus and really hone in on the things you want to accomplish, the goals you hope to achieve, then you are much more likely to attract them. Writing detailed lists in a journal can help you focus on the success you want in your life.
  8. Free Your Mind – If our thoughts, worries, feelings, and problems are out of our minds and onto the pages of a trusty journal, the rest of our mind is free to do better, more productive thinking.

My advice is to pick a beautiful journal, one that really inspires you to write, and continue the process for a month to see how you feel at the end of 30 days. If it helps you feel even a little more enlightened and alleviates some worry or stress, then it’s worth continuing.



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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