Relationship Talk: Cultivating Life-long Love

Loren Ridinger and JR Ridinger at Amber's Wedding

Do you ever find yourself getting into relationship after relationship wondering if you’ll ever meet the one? Curious how you’ll know when you have finally found that love that will stand the test of time and all the ups and downs of life? When you haven’t found the one – or perhaps you just aren’t sure – figuring out what defines long lasting love is often top of your list. What does it look like? How does it feel? And, how can you ensure that you’ll protect and nurture that special love for years to come? Whether you’re new to love or you’re simply trying to figure it all out, here’s a look at how to cultivate and care for the love that you want to last forever.

Loren and JR Ridinger at Amber and Duane McLaughlin Wedding in Dorado Beach Puerto Rico

Keep in mind that compromise is key. In a relationship that lasts, both parties have to know when to put the other ones needs first – it simply cannot be about one person more than the other. A give and take on life’s decisions (from the littlest things like what to have for dinner to the biggest things like how many children to have) is essential for giving both partners a sense of control over decisions and a sense of ownership in the relationship. And, sometimes that means you have to be the one to take a step back and let your partner drive the decision making.

Remember that it’s not always going to be a walk in the park, and be OK with that. Love that lasts a lifetime goes through ups and downs – that’s what makes it stronger, deeper, more intense. You see one another at your best and at your worst, still choosing to make a continued effort, keep loving and working through the tough stuff. While there may still be those fleeting moments where your heart skips a beat and you get butterflies like you did when you first met – the real feelings happen in a deeper and stronger way – and that means facing some challenges too.

Romance takes effort. In the beginning the romantic stuff just keeps on coming. You can’t keep your hands to yourselves and you want nothing more than to woo one another. But, as you get more comfortable in the relationship it’s easy to let the romantic effort fall to the wayside – you simply get caught up in life. So make romance a priority. Find little ways to remind your partner that you still find him or her attractive and that you still feel those romantic thoughts. Even with kids and jobs and finances – and everything in between – take time to show your partner how you feel.

Communication is the name of the game. While it might get tough and there may be things you don’t want to say, communicating with your partner will help your relationship stand the test of time. Holding in feelings and bottling up things that irritate you makes for confrontations and hurtful words rather than ongoing thoughtful conversation. Making an effort to communicate – even if that’s not your strong suit – will help build a long-lasting and strong foundation – often unshakable when the tough stuff happens.

Have you found love that you believe will last a lifetime? How do you continue to nurture your relationship?



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