Relationships: How to Keep the Spark Alive


Relationships are so exciting in the beginning, aren’t they? You think about them every second of the day, you get excited to see them even if you’ve only been apart for a few hours, you seem to love all of the same things, and you never argue.

The honeymoon phase is a beautiful time. Of course, over time, the energy shifts and life gets in the way, but the honeymoon doesn’t have to end forever. There are ways to keep the spark alive over the years.

Relationships: 4 Foolproof Ways to Keep the Spark Alive


Give them attention.

Put your phones down and give them your undivided attention. Spending quality time together strengthens the connection between you both.

Make time for date night.

It’s easy to become complacent in a relationship, which is why couples often start gradually drifting apart. You should never stop dating your partner, no matter how long you’ve been together. Date nights are a great way to keep your chemistry flame burning.

Go on adventures.

Busy lifestyles and work schedules don’t always give us the time to travel, but you can still make time for adventures together. This weekend, why not just jump in the car and drive to no particular destination? Stop spontaneously for lunch and soak up a little nature.

Surprise each other.

JR and I celebrated our 26th anniversary together this week. I’ve spent over half of my life with this incredible man, and he still surprises me. Although we’ve been working non-stop on an urgent project requiring nearly every waking hour of our time for weeks, JR still found time to send me some beautiful flowers. He never stops showing me, and telling me, how much he loves me. And I love him for that.
A random note snuck into their bag or pocket before they head out to work or on a trip is such a simple yet thoughtful way to show someone you’re still crazy about them.
Everyone likes being reminded that they are loved and appreciated.

Spend time apart.

Space is important. Go on day or weekend trips with the girls. Go to events separately. It’s important to spend time apart to give you the opportunity to miss each other. You’ll have lots to talk about when you see them, and you’ll be excited to tell them everything because they are your best friend.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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