Rewire Your Brain: Raise Your Vibes

Rewire Your Brain: Raise Your Vibes, rewire your brain, vibes, raise your vibes

Do you want to manifest effortlessly? Well then, you’re going to have to raise your vibes, baby! In order to effortlessly get what you want in life, you’re going to have to rewire your brain to focus on good-feeling thoughts and emotions. Basically, you want to feel as though you’ve already manifested your desires. So, you want to feel good! You want to raise your vibes because like attracts like. So, how do you raise your vibes? Read on for more!

Rewire Your Brain: Raise Your Vibes

  • Listen to music you love and dance around a little
  • What exactly are you grateful for? Write it down.
  • Do some affirmations in the mirror to remind yourself that you’re on tough cookie.
  • Do something you love! Go for walk or sketch a picture.
  • Write out your feelings in a journal
  • If you’re out and about, pay attention to those around you and notice all the love and beauty there is in the world.
  • Compliment someone or volunteer your time. Doing some good can change the game.
  • Eat your favorite food.
  • Have a big glass of water.
  • Listen to a podcast about female empowerment.
  • Look at your bank account and remind yourself how lucky you are to have the money you do!
  • Remind yourself why you’re valuable.
  • Write a list of why you matter.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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