Sleep Better: 4 Sleeping Positions That Aren’t Good for You

Sleep Better: 4 Sleeping Positions That Aren’t Good for You, sleeping positions, sleeping, sleep, positions

Do you ever have trouble sleeping? Or are you one of those people who could sleep forever. For many of us, finding the perfect balance of sleep can be tough. We all need rest. We all need enough sleep. And, sleeping the day away can make us feel terrible. Not only is finding that sweet spot on the perfect amount of time essential, getting comfortable is half the battle. When you find that perfect sleeping position, you often find that ideal amount of sleep too. What position is best? Let’s take a look at four sleeping positions that aren’t good for you so that you can focus on the ones that are and find that perfect snooze to keep you happy, healthy and feeling great.

Sleep Better: 4 Sleeping Positions That Aren’t Good for You

Sleep Better: 4 Sleeping Positions That Aren’t Good for You, sleeping positions, sleeping, sleep, positions

Sleeping on your stomach…although this can be an excellent way to help with snoring, stomach sleeping is widely thought to be one of the worst sleeping positions out there. It turns out; it can force the natural curve of your spine into a funky position, which isn’t good for your body because it can eventually lead to lower back and neck pain – and, that’s the worst.

Worse: sleeping on your stomach with one leg up, bent and in the tree position with your foot propped up on your other leg. It turns out this can be terrible for your pelvis as it puts unnecessary pressure all one side, eventually causing lower back pain. Yuck!

Sleeping on your side is great for some people, but can easily cause painful numbness in the hands and arms for those who end up with their arms tucked under their bodies. There’s nothing worse than waking up unable to feel your arms and hands and suffering from terrible pins and needles when the numbness starts to wear off.

Sleeping on your back is not a terrible sleep position unless you’re a major snorer or you have sleep apnea. This position can increase those issues, leaving anyone trying to sleep next to you tossing and turning from the noise all night. Also, if you have sleep apnea, being on your back is one of the easiest ways to increase the symptoms – you’re doc may even tell you to sleep on your side instead.

So what are you? A side, back or stomach sleeper? And, how can you make sure you’re getting the best night’s sleep possible?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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