Solving Problems in Business and Life

How do you solve problems in business and in life?  It is inevitable that problems will arise.  Many times, problems present themselves in the most inopportune times.  The business deal that had a smooth process hits a glitch right before closing.  You have misplaced the disk that holds your presentation that you have diligently worked on for the past month.  You and your partner may not see eye to eye on a pressing issue.  The death of a loved one happens while you are in a crisis at work.  Problems come and they also leave.  What happens in between time, you have the power to control.  The solutions are always at your fingertips.  You just have to pay attention.  Here are some ways to empower you to solve problems in business and in life:

– Take a step back from the situation.  You have a better view of the total picture when you remove yourself.

– Let go of the emotions.  Resolutions that come from an emotional direction do not always have a good outcome.

– Recognize your accountability.

– Don’t make any hasty decisions.  Analyze all possible solutions.

– Talk it through.  Sometimes an objective view can bring a different perspective.

– Be proactive.  Don’t wallow in the mist of the problem.  Become a participant in the solution.




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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