Soul Search: The Importance of Being Still

Soul Search: The Importance of Being Still

Do you ever have trouble simply slowing down? Rather than taking a break when you know you need one, you cram more and more into an already packed schedule? Or you feel so guilty doing nothing for a few minutes that you end up doing ten times what you need to?

When the pressures of life start to add up, many of us panic – and rather than incorporating some much-needed rest into our day, we go into overdrive, operating at a pace that’s off the charts. Recently, I went on a getaway to the Bahamas with the intention of being still, slowing down and taking a true break. I made myself focus on letting it all go and simply being – and it was one of the most restful vacations I have ever had.

Just not gonna move to get anything. Lol

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Taking a pause was a real challenge for me, one that didn’t go unnoticed and I definitely didn’t take lightly. I knew it was time to truly let myself have some moments of being still. It allowed me to find my way back to myself, to let go of all the hecticness filling my schedule and gave me time to take stock in what’s most important: family, friends, my health.

We did things like this…just watched the wildlife:

No swim zone.

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Sometimes we forget to take a step back, assess what’s most important and take pause to be thankful for all that is good in our lives. Being still gives you the time to have perspective on everything you’re doing, working on, accomplishing – what brings you joy and fulfillment and what’s weighing you down?

When we returned home, I was so much more focused on the little things in life that I love and appreciate, like my garden.

Just came home to my beautiful garden. This always makes me smile. #miamibeach #spring

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We all have a lot on our minds. We struggle to keep it all in balance and in check, and sometimes the worry starts to pile up. Taking a moment to breathe, an hour to simply be still or a weekend to let it all go will bring a sense of calm back to your life. Try it. You’ll love it.

What do you do to recharge and disconnect?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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