Sunday Vibes: The Art of Gratitude

sunday vibes

Practicing the art of gratitude is a life-changing skill. Sometimes it’s easy to become so consumed with focusing on going after what we don’t have that we forget to take a minute to pause and appreciate everything we have to be thankful for in our lives. It’s all about mindset when it comes to embracing Sunday vibes; instead of letting yourself get the Sunday Scaries about going back to work tomorrow, why not indulge in a few moments of reflection today to be thankful for having a job to go back to?

Sunday Vibes: The Art of Gratitude

sunday vibes

Remember those times of your life when you lost your job or were struggling during those first early days of your entrepreneurial journey and you were worried sick about how you were going to pay the bills? Think back to that time and remember that overwhelming anxiety you felt – the fact it’s Monday tomorrow and you have a job to go back to doesn’t seem so bad now does it? Better yet, if you broke out on the other side and achieved success as a self-employed entrepreneur, you likely don’t even know what the Sunday Scaries are…

On a serious note though, if you are regularly experiencing Sunday Scaries rather than chilled Sunday vibes, it may be time to identify why. Life’s too short to be unhappy. If you’re dispirited in your current job, it’s time to look for a new opportunity. Even though you may not be aware of it, unhappiness is likely radiating out of you in a symphony of negative vibes; no one wants to be the office Grinch! Your employers are probably already aware that you’re miserable and may be looking to jump ship, so they may well beat you to it and let you go. Why would you want to stay in a job that doesn’t satisfy you, anyway?

My favorite kind of Sunday Vibes are those precious moments cocooned by family and friends. I adore every single one of them, and I will be forever grateful to have them in my life. I’m equally appreciative of my soulmate, JR. I love reflecting on this incredible journey we’ve shared and the legacy we’ve created together.

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MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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