Team Building Activities to Try

Do you manage or supervise a group of people? It’s important to occasionally step away from the focus of work and realize that your team may need a bit of team time. By finding fun team building activities in the workplace that will suit the personalities in your group, while additionally helping to create a bond, spending time together can actually result in increased productivity (it’s true!). By offering your team members the chance to get to know one another and laugh together – they will learn to work together and have fun! Check out a few simple ideas for team building activities below and let me know how they work for you!

Team Building Activities

  •  Group Scavenger Hunt: Try this for teaching the group something about the history of your company, while also having to work together. (Make sure you have fun prizes!)
  • Tug of War: (this is a perfect one for outside) Teams work together to pull the opposite team down. This requires strategy and communication.
  • Blindfold Guide: Set up a short route from one end of a large room to another. Divide into teams of two. Blindfold one member of each two-person team. Working together, the person who is not blindfolded uses voice guided instructions to get the blindfolded team member to the other side of the room. (definitely perfect for working on communication)

Do you have any great ideas for fun team building activities in the workplace?

Making Friends at Work



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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