The Halfway Mark by Loren Ridinger

The halfway mark by Loren Ridinger.  Can you believe that we are at the halfway mark for 2012?  This year is flying by so quickly.  Before you realize, we will be planning what to do for New Year’s Eve.  The first half of the year has been extremely busy for me!  I have launched so many new projects, including Motive for La La with my family La La Anthony.  I have also been traveling non-stop promoting my companies Market America and  But I feel like we are just getting started!

My goal is to finish 2012 strong with several more projects launched and new territory covered.   The month of June is a signal that I only have 6 months left to make it all happen!   We are at the halfway mark.  What must you accomplish before December 31st?  The worst feeling that too many people experience is to reflect on a wasted year.  We are given 365 days to make something happen for our benefit!

We spend the first month sprinting to a finish line only to tire before we get there.  We spend the next eleven months regrouping, reevaluating, making lists, and giving up only to have regrets at the end of the year.  Don’t let this happen to you.  Get busy!  Make it happen!  Stop making excuses and start making decisions.  You will only receive what you put out.  Be proactive about your future.  The countdown is on!




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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