The Power of Words

If you read our last post, you can see I’m a huge believer in the power of our words and thoughts. I’ve always said, “We become our thoughts.” That sounds so nice, but what does it actually mean?

By now, you’ve probably heard about the law of attraction. Maybe you’ve watched or read “The Secret.” It’s all the same. Basically, you attract what you think and what you say. This is very powerful, but this also means you need to be very careful with what comes out of your mouth.

For example, you know those people who always tell us how broke they are. And, yeah, they are pretty broke. But why haven’t they been able to get out of the rut? Because they are attracting financial problems with their words. But how is that possible if all they’re doing is thinking about needing more money? Shouldn’t they have attracted more money by now? Well, they’re focusing on the lack of. Just by saying “I need” you are stating that you do not have enough. Instead, they should not let the words “I need” or “I am broke” come out of their mouths or into their minds. If they come out, one should release the thought into the universe.

You can literally say “Please release that thought.” Catch yourself or your friends when negativity comes out. Because I promise that will come, too. Our subconscious mind does not know the difference between a positive or negative thought/word. It just knows that you are repeating it, so the mind attracts it. Where do think the saying, “Never say never” came from? It came from people who talked about what they didn’t want so much that it eventually came their way!

Another thing to think about is, how do you use your words when talking to yourself? Are you putting yourself down? Are you telling yourself you can’t and you are not worthy? If so, you need to stop and think “Would I talk to my bestie that way?” Probably not. If you’re best friend was being doubtful about something you would use words like “you can” “you will” “you are.” So why not use those words on yourself?

Here are a few words/phrases I like to leave out of my vocabulary when talking to myself:

  • I can’t
  • Try (you either do it or you don’t)
  • I need (this means you lack something. You already have everything you need)
  • I should have (this means you are living in the past and missing out in the present)
  • Never

Treat your word with love and respect. Speak the truth and only say words that attract the happy life you deserve.





MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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