10 Things Productive People Do Before Lunch


Have you ever heard the phrase, “The early bird catches the worm?” I think it’s totally true. When I am well-rested and I get a good start on the day, I have a very productive morning. When I mix exercise, a healthy breakfast and a well thought out plan into my day – it gets even better. If you’re wondering how to get a better jumpstart on your day, here’s my take on 10 things productive people do before lunch!

10 Things Productive People Do Before Lunch


1.       First of all, productive people get a good 8 hours of z’s. Feeling well-rested is the best way to kick start a day.

2.       Eat a healthy breakfast. A good breakfast will give you the boost you need to power through until lunch.

3.       Make a to-do list. Productive people always have a strategy.

4.       Wake up nice and early, so that you can enjoy the morning.

5.       Go for a run or hit the gym – really! If you’re committed to that extra burst of a.m. energy, a little morning exercise will do the trick.

6.       Do something you love every morning. Whether it’s drinking a cup of coffee or catching up on the morning news, mix in a daily ritual that you enjoy.

7.       Don’t rush. If you get to work with time to spare, you’ll be calm and collected when you start your day.

8.       Clear out your inbox! One of the most overwhelming aspects of work these days is the never-ending stream of emails. Respond and delete so that you can focus on your actual work.

9.       Make morning time, your time. Schedule meetings for later in the day.

10.   Check in with your team. Once you’re settled in, take a few minutes to get a grasp on what everyone else has planned for the day – that way there are no surprises.

Do you know any secrets to the things productive people do before lunch?



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