Tips on How to Resolve an Argument

Relationship Talk: Tips on How to Resolve an Argument

There’s nothing worse than getting in an argument with someone you love, are close to or even work with. Despite the fact that we all have to deal with difficult people and challenging situations, getting into an argument is just tough. So rather than engaging in disagreements that drag on endlessly, how about learning how to resolve an argument rather than brushing it under the rug. From the worst of the worst with raised voices and hurt feelings to silly disagreements that get blown out of proportion, here are a few tips for how to resolve an argument with anyone from your spouse to your boss.

Relationship Talk: Tips on How to Resolve an Argument

Tips on How to Resolve an Argument

Remain calm. Believe it or not, nothing makes an argument worse than when one or both parties gets continually worked up and heated. Keeping a level and calm head actually helps keep the other person calm too, inserting a solid energy that’s essential to keep something from escalating to a place you just don’t want to go.

Listen. Listen. Listen. Sure, you will have your own opinion that you will want to be heard, but resolution starts by considering the feelings and opinions of the other party. That means you need to sit back and truly listen and hear what the other person has to say.

Choose battles that actually matter. If you’re arguing over something silly, it’s time to stop and take note of what really matters. When you realize that you’re both harping on something that needs to be put aside, remind one another why you’re really there and just work it out.

Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. This one might be pretty tough because you’re so deeply rooted in your own opinions, but if you try it just may open your eyes to the other viewpoint.

If the conversation begins to get too heated, voices are raised or accusations become mean in nature, stop, take a deep breath and put an end to it. Name calling, mean spirited accusations and general poor natured arguing leads to nothing but hurt feelings. Once you are both able to take a moment to calm down, agree to reconvene once you can hold a civil conversation.

Decide what needs to change in order to make both parties happy. This might take some negotiating and may mean that a bit of give and take will have to occur-but that’s ok! Meeting each other in the middle will actually feel really good – you’re each giving a little something and you’re each getting a bit of what you need or want.

Don’t forget to make up! Whether that means treating one another to a quick cup of coffee or snuggling up on the couch, turning the negative into a positive helps seal the deal on a solid resolution.

How do you resolve arguments – even the most heated ones?



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