Tools for Dealing with Stress in a Healthy Way


Unfortunately, we all have it. The daily stresses that come as part of the package we call life. No matter what it is – financial, family, work – you name it, dealing with stress is part of being human. Here’s the thing: how you deal with those stresses is what sets you apart. Do you let day-to-day stress take over or do you find tools for dealing with stress in a healthy way? When it comes down to it – it’s up to you. If you find yourself struggling to find the best solutions for dealing with stress, no worries! There are a heap of ways to deal with it, even when you feel overwhelmed. Keep reading for some excellent suggestions.


Tools for Dealing with Stress in a Healthy Way

Meditation. Many people look past the power of meditation, but believe it or not it’s incredible effective. Even the shortest bouts of meditation give you the power to calm your mind and racing thoughts – even if it’s only for a few moments. Closing your eyes, focusing on breathing and clearing your head can be done easily and with great results. Simply find a quiet spot, close your eyes and do nothing but breathe for a set amount of time.

Exercise. Similarly to meditation, getting some exercise is an excellent solution for dealing with stress. Getting outside for a quick run or brisk walk, engaging in a challenging workout class or even putting in an exercise DVD, gives you a chunk of time to focus on nothing but the challenge of the workout. Getting the heart pumping and raising your endorphins will leave you feeling level-headed and ready to face the challenges ahead.

Breathing Exercises. Even if meditation isn’t your thing, using similar breathing techniques can easily help calm the nerves and put things into perspective. Spend some time each day, or in a stressful moment, focused on taking deep, slow breaths. You’ll be surprised at how quickly this will help calm you down and making facing stressful situations a bit easier.

Calming Teas. Turns out that the power of herbs is pretty incredible – and in some situations herbal remedies are the most effective solution. Try drinking a cup of chamomile or valerian root tea before bed each night for help calming the mind when you’re trying to fall asleep.

Essential Oils. Similar to the effects of herbal teas, essential oils can aid in bringing a sense of peace to a racing mind. Try a little drop of lavender on the inside of your wrists or neck to help infuse your day with a feeling of tranquility.

Talk it Out and Make a List. Sometimes when stresses start to pile up your mind will play tricks on you – making the situation seem worse than it actually is. You can feel easily overwhelmed by all the tasks you need to accomplish, places you need to be or even bills that need to be paid. Rather than letting your mind get ahead of you, sit down with a good friend or your partner and talk it out. While you’re at it, you can work together to get it all on paper – making a list that will help you manage it all. Then – take one thing at a time!

How do you handle stress in your daily life?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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