Ways to Be More Patient

Itching to get something done? Do you easily get impatient with friends who take forever to get ready? You know what they say: “patience is a virtue,” and it’s one that we should strive to take up. It’s not that difficult to take up patience. It’s all about trying to focus on the present moment and taking the time to calm down rather than let your mind run away with you. Below are tricks to help you be more patient. You may not want to take the time to read them, but it’s important that you try!


Just Breathe- When you feel your impatience egging in you on, turn to breathing. Take a few slow deep breaths. Slow down your thought process and change where your mind is going.

Write It Down- When you notice those impatient thoughts start to make you crazy, write them down in a journal and work them out that way. Why are you feeling the way that you’re feeling? Think it through and write it out.

What’s Bugging You?- Try to become more conscious of what makes you feel impatient. Take note of those moments when you feel yourself ready to start tapping your feet and rolling your eyes. Be aware and figure out what’s bugging you. Sometimes, that’s all it takes.

Talk Yourself Down- When you feel those impatient feelings come on, try to talk yourself down. Hearing a voice of reason calmly telling you that it’s all going to work out can be especially helpful when you start feeling like you can’t get much done.

Do Something Else- There’s nothing like a recharger to get your brain feeling refreshed. Go for a walk, or read a couple of chapters from your favorite book. Decompress for a moment to let go of those impatient thoughts and feelings.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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