5 Ways to “Go Red” This February

Wear Red in February

When it comes to staggering statistics, this one’s pretty jarring: Heart disease is the number one killer of women, even more than any type of cancer. More women than men die every year from heart disease. Which is why February has been designated as American Heart Month. For these 28 days, we as women have an opportunity to raise awareness for a cause that’s affecting us all. Let’s get healthy, informed and proactive about heart disease so we can wipe out this threat to our gender. Here are a few ways you can get involved and bring awareness to the cause throughout the month.

Wear Red in February

5 Ways to “Go Red” in February

  1. Wear red every day of the month: Put on your favorite red dress, wear red nail polish, put on some red lipstick, or simply add some red accents to your outfit. Whatever you do, be sure to make a statement in red and tell anyone who asks about the cause you’re supporting.
  2. Honor National Wear Red Day on February 6th: In order to draw attention to the cause, February 6th will be the official day to wear red nationwide in support of American Heart Month. Be sure to schedule it on your calendar and show your support.
  3. Donate to Go Red: If you feel like you can contribute to the cause, click and donate. Every little bit helps to fund research and awareness campaigns.
  4. Wear the Go Red for Women Dress Collection: Macy’s will be putting on a special fashion show on February 12th to showcase dresses designed by different names in the fashion industry, worn by various celebrities during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. Click here to learn more about this collection.
  5. Make a Plan to Go Red: Heart health begins with your decision to get healthy. Make a plan to eat well, exercise, and make better choices. Click here to start.

For even more ways to get involved, or to learn more about Go Red for Women, click here to visit their site. Being healthy is a choice, and it’s truly the best choice we can make, not just for ourselves, but for those who love us.



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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