What are You Saying to Yourself?

Most of us are really careful about not saying anything that
would offend others. You know, we try to be “PC”, politically correct. We’ll
phrase our sentences in a way that we are only speaking with kindness and
compassion. But do we ever do that for ourselves?

We all have mind chatter. In other words: we all talk to
ourselves. This doesn’t make us crazy; it only make us human. But have you ever
stop to hear your inner voice? Mine is a very encouraging voice, for the most
part. But it’s required a lot of work to get there. What does your voice sound


You’d be surprise at how some of the nicest and most giving people
talk to and about themselves. Our words are so powerful. And if we keep
repeating a certain phrase, we’re going to start believing it and, eventually,
the phrase will become our reality. For example, think about this seemingly
harmless phrase: “Ohmygosh, I’m such an unlucky person. I think I’m cursed.”
Sounds harmless, right? Wrong. You repeat that long enough, and sure enough you
will be that bad-luck gal. And why choose that destiny when you can choose to
be lucky just by changing the way you speak to and about yourself?

So let’s play a game. For the next week be very aware of
what you say to and about yourself. And anything that sounds negative, or maybe
something that sounds like you’re the victim, rephrase the sentence into
something positive. For example “I will not let you take advantage of me.” This
“I’m the victim” comment can be changed to “I choose to not allow you to do
that.” The first phrase is powerless. The second is totally empowering. You
have a choice. Do you get where I’m going?

Really listen to yourself this week and change all those Debbie-downer
comments to something empowering. Before you know it, you’ll be your very own
cheerleader. And self-confidence only leads to making things happen. So you
have nothing to lose—only to gain!

Let me know how it goes.





MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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