What Are You Waiting For?

Stop wasting time! Don’t sit around waiting for something to happen! Instead of watching TV get up and do something about it. Here are 10 things you can accomplish in one day that will a difference in your life tomorrow.

1. Organize your work station. The only to be productive and successful in life is to be organize and eliminate the clutter.

2. Prepare your next move. Life is like playing chess you must be strategic and play to win. There’s no point of sitting there and killing time? Instead, take the time to prepare, strategize and create your execution plan.

3. Send out thank you notes. How many times did you go out with friends or family and never thank them for the good time? It is important to let others know how much you appreciate and love them. Instead of sleeping or doing things that are unproductive utilize the downtime to thank your friends.

4. Clean your inbox. Do you find yourself stuck in traffic or waiting for the bus to come. Instead of standing there and killing time be productive. Use that time to clean your inbox with your blackberry or iPAD.

5. How many times have you waited for a friend at a store trying clothes on? Don’t just wait there, take notes, get inspired write down things that come to your mind stimulate your brain while you are waiting.

6. Do you spend time at the hair salon? Don’t just sit there starring at the mirror! Download your favorite book on your iPOD and listen to it while you get your hair and makeup done.

7. Don’t you hate being stuck on planes? Most flight still don’t have Wi-Fi so perhaps being online is not an option. If this is the case take the time to read a book feed yourself with valuable information.

8. Do you normally take the subway to work? Instead of starring at the person next to you, read the newspaper, jot ideas down catch up on your e-mails.

9. Are you a runner? While running listen to an MP3 player or your favorite book program your brain to succeed.

10. Do you take the bus to work? If so use this time to meditate. Take 20 minutes to reflect on what you accomplished for the day, fill your days with memories and analyze on what you have to do tomorrow.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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