What Does It Take to Be a Successful Entrepreneur?

successful entrepreneur

So many people are entrepreneurs, but what does it truly take to be a successful one? Check out my advice below on how to be an entrepreneur and leave me some love in the comments section when you’re done!

What Does It Take to Be a Successful Entrepreneur?


1. The entrepreneurial spirit is the most powerful gift that we all have. We are all born with the ability to be great, but you must tap into your greatness. To do this, learn as much as you can, work as hard as you can and never, ever give up.

2. Where you start is not where you finish. Humble beginnings don’t dictate your lifetime’s worth. Start small and don’t forget where you came from, but let yourself grow into the person you’ve always dreamed of being.

3. Don’t let your circumstances define who you are. People have gone from being homeless to graduates of Harvard University. JR and I started Market America with nothing but a dream. But we chose to let our dreams define us instead of our circumstances.

4. What is your why? If you don’t know why you are doing this, you will always fall back on your plan B safety net. Be laser focused on your why.

5. Never let fear decide your future. If you are focused on your why you won’t succumb to the fear whenever it creeps in. And trust me, it will pop up more times than you would like. Stay focused and fearless.

6. If your plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never your goal. This goes back to my tip about the entrepreneurial spirit we are all born with. Don’t doubt your intuition about what will make you happy and successful. Keep changing the plan until you achieve your dreams.

7. Sometimes we must fail to find true success. Keep failing until you succeed. Try everything and when you want to give up, try again. This is your life. You deserve to live it to the fullest.

8. Stop asking advice from people you wouldn’t trade places with. This tip is so important. You need to stay positive and your head and heart don’t have room for negativity or advice that isn’t actually going to help you. Make a list of people you admire and don’t accept advice from people who aren’t going to make you better.

9. Stop putting off the hard things; it’s what makes us better. In order to dream big, you have to work harder to make those dreams a reality. Make sure to do the one hard thing every day that will push you toward that reality.

10. Never forget who was with you from the start. Loyalty is everything. Bring the people who have supported you from day 1 along for the ride of your success. It will mean so much to you and to them.

This is how to be a successful entrepreneur. Tweet me your favorite entrepreneurial tips @lorenridinger.



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