Why Simplicity is Better in Any Situation

In our very complex lives, we may come to realize that simplicity is better.  In our daily grind, we tackle so many obstacles that require us to problem solve continuously. By the days end, we are exhausted and left with little to no energy for the mental gymnastics that involved accomplishing our personal desires. How many times have you murmured to yourself, “I wish my life can be a little more simplistic?”  Sound familiar? The truth of the matter is that you control the complex/simplicity meter in your life.  Simplicity is not a bad thing.

Have you ever been in a situation where there were just too many hands stirring a pot?  Everyone had an opinion on how an issue should be resolved and in the end, all the many opinions just convoluted the resolution?  It was not until one person with a cooler head who proposed a simple solution, brought clarity and a smooth resolution.  Most times, complexity is not needed.  We make things complex by our unwillingness to bend and flow.  Just think about how many times an issue could have been handled much more quickly if you would have just bended.

Simplicity is a lifestyle.  It is filtered into the everyday routines of your life.  It is a way in which you handle the complexities of your life.  If you desire a simplistic life, it begins within you.  You will find that simplicity is better in any situation.






MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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