So, you met a guy and you can’t stop thinking about him. Or maybe you found a recruit who you thought would make a killer addition to the team but they seem uninterested. You really want them to join so you may come off as a little—well, desperate. There are so many times in life where we want something so badly and they never come to fruition. What’s the deal? When you come off as desperate, you’re resisting to all those things you want. The universe responds to relaxation, happiness, and joy rather than desperation. Read on for more.
Why the Universe Despises Desperation
How can wanting something so much block receiving it? There is a subtle difference between focusing on your desires and hanging onto them. You want something so badly but when you associate with not having it, your focusing on lack. Negative feelings around anything, like how much your life sucks without that one thing you want, causes lack.
If you’re looking to turn things around notice when you’re focusing on your problems and start to try to feel differently. Put a positive spin on things. Focus on what you can control and all the good things in life. Visualize having that amazing guy in your life or how that awesome team member can change your business and see how good you feel. Hone in on that good feeling and know that all those awesome things you want are coming your way!