We spend so much time over-thinking the things we cannot change that we simply shut ourselves off from possibility. By obsessing, worrying, and in general freaking out about situations that are out of our control, we become our own worst enemy, our own biggest roadblock in life. Anxiety can be a difficult thing to overcome but remind yourself that you cannot predict the future and in order to have a full life, you need to worry less and live more! Here are five tips that can help you cope with anxiety:
1. Someone once told me that if the problem isn’t a 7 on the 1-10 scale, forget about it. Stuck in traffic? There is nothing you can do but take a deep breath. It isn’t worth your precious energy!
2. Find a positive outlet and perform this specific activity as soon as you begin to feel the worry overcoming you. Don’t take your anxiety out on your refrigerator, your credit card, or your loved ones.
3. Stay healthy. Feed yourself nutritious, quality foods, and maintain some form of exercise to keep stress levels down. Try yoga, boxing and even regular walks with your dog. Working out is a great outlet for anxious energy.
4. If you find yourself obsessing at night, create a soothing bedtime routine. Reading a book, taking a bath, drinking tea, or scheduling a phone call with your best friend can help.
5. Talk about it. Sometimes the freak out happening in your head can’t be resolved because you just haven’t talked it out yet. Seeing a therapist or using your significant other as a soundboard can be a great way to work through what is bothering you.
And if you really are worrying about something that can actually be changed, try to relax. Make a list of pros and cons and weigh your options then make a decision! You will instantly feel better when you’ve decided and can put it behind you and move forward.