Yoga Videos for Beginners

Life gets complicated. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and stressed. Take me, for example. Not only do I have plenty of events that I need to attend this week, but I also have to keep up on all my blogs and work obligations. Sure, I have fun, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get stressed out once in a while.

When there’s too much to do, yoga is my release. I keep my practice light and easy by doing beginners yoga classes at home. I don’t even hire a trainer; I just look up some beginner’s guides on YouTube and go from there. Today, I’ve compiled some of my favorite videos in case you need a release of your own, or want to learn some relaxing yoga moves. Check them out and let me know what you think in the comments section.


Yoga with Adrienne- I love to follow Adrienne’s yoga videos. She has a ton of different yoga videos but my favorite is her 20 Minute Yoga at Home video. She takes her time to explain each move and shows you what you have to do step by step. It’s easy and Adrienne is a great teacher.

Jillian Michaels- Jillian Michaels has a great yoga video on BeFIT’s channel. It’s meant to be a cool down, but it helps relax me, while giving me a short workout at the same time. Stretching is great for the body and Jillian’s got all the best moves. Check out the video below!

PsycheTruth- PsycheTruth has an amazing video called Beginners Yoga for Deep Relaxation, Sleep, Insomnia, Anxiety and Stress Release. Who would have thought one yoga video could cure all that? Well, it helps. I follow it before I go to bed or when I’m feeling stressed. It’s thirty minutes long and seriously works wonders. This is the video you need to try out.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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