Meeting Etiquette 101: 10 Tips for Keeping it Professional


It’s back to work tomorrow and after a long holiday weekend, that Monday morning meeting is even harder than usual. When you have a tight deadline or work is piling up, it seems those are the days that end up filled with meetings. From conference calls to face-to-face, even though meetings may not be your fave, they’re often a great opportunity to have contact with colleagues and bosses you may not work with regularly. In meetings like this, showing off your best and most positive self is key. Check out these 10 tips for having your professional meeting etiquette down pat – and be on your way to impressing the whole room.


Meeting Etiquette 101: 10 Tips for Keeping it Professional 

  1. Arrive on time.
  2. Go ahead and make introductions.
  3. Be prepared. Keep everyone on track and on agenda.
  4. Adjust your chair so that you’re sitting appropriately at the table (not too high, not too low).
  5. Clean up your area when you depart the meeting.
  6. Ask good, solid questions.
  7. Speak clearly and loud enough for everyone to hear you.
  8. A cup of coffee or tea is fine, but skip the snacks (unless it’s a lunch meeting).
  9. Put your cell phone away.
  10. Let others finish their thoughts before interjecting.

How about you? Got any tips for staying professional during a meeting?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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